
Note: This page under construction, etc – I’m trying to collect as much of the video/slide material from past talks as possible, ensure I’ve not forgotten any, etc to build this out.

I routinely speak at various conferences and events, both public and private. An incomplete listing of the public ones are below. If you would like me to present at your event, just get in touch and terms can be worked out.

Prior events: SteelCon (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017), BerlinSides (multiple years), BSides Hannover (2015), BSides London (2017), BSides Edinburgh (2017), BSides Leeds (2020), SHA2017, CampusCon (2012), IP Expo Europe (2014), Future of Cyber Security (multiple events), Dublin Web Summit (2014), SecuriTay, CICRA Cyber Security Summit (2017), and various others that I’ve yet to add.

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